In this video we want you understand the importance of the training and information you find inside Earn Avenue about the email platform. Although, we are not here to hold you back on mail, we need you to have some direction and compliance. Unlike other platforms, we are unique which you can read more inside other knowledge base articles. If one member has issues - all members have issues - meaning don't just spam it out. The average cost for a IP Address or Relay shutdown for us is about $5,000.00 USD. So, again important is the way you act through the platform.

This isn't not training, this is an information article about the training so you have quick guidance about what to do and not do.

Rules & Guidelines

  • As we are using direct mail relays (SMTP), we need to limit at times the amount of mail hitting the ISPs ( Google, Yahoo, etc ). As such we have created a simple rule of thumb that it could take up-to 72 hours for your email to the sent out. Generally, this isn't the case, but we have outlined it here to make notice.
  • You are allowed one pending-sending email and one sending/processing email. Support may delete emails outside of this rules as per the queue load (note: the email is deleted from the queue and set to draft in your account). This does not include drafts, you can have unlimited drafts. Important note, that is account specific, so even if you are submitting for different lists - the rule still applies.
  • We do not allow importing into our system, should you be interested in importing contact support for further information and directions.
  • Outbound Statuses Information
    • Pending-Approval : awaiting approval to send
    • Pending-Sending : Campaign is Approved and awaiting send out
    • Processing : sending and scanning the lists for blocks etc
    • Sending : sending out your email
    • Paused : The email is pending re-processing this is normal and acts as a buffer for delayed / slow sending campaigns
    • Blocked An email will tell you what happened or contact support

We make zero claim to deliverability and/or rates that you will get. There is literally endless reasons an email will not get good delivery, the best we can do is support you with good IP Addresses and clean domains. Additionally, we cannot guarantee you will get anything from your emails that are sent, we can not control the outcome at anytime.