So, I want to be clear on something first of all ...

This server is like nothing available outside of it, I know you can't really understand that as you don't have access to everything behind the scenes. We are NOT Aweber, Get Response or any of those other services. They will not show you the tracking, bounces, etc that we do - not only that - they have millions of ip pools that we do not have access too. So, with that being said it's important to note that we are a BULK service, built for the industry, but there is guidelines we have to follow.

Over the past few years, I think people have stop learning email marketing and just started telling their people to spam. What I am seeing trying to be sent on the platform is horrible, no wonder you guys can't get results. I mean all you have to do is join my email list and you'll see there is a way to "spam" with a professional look.

What am I talking about, it's simple. If you'd send it on a safelist - this is not the place for that - if you have more than 1 or 2 links in the email you will not get any delivery. That's not my policy that's the networks. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and those types will flag you. That's email marketing 101.

Let me show you some examples ...

I am not sure what the thought pattern is on this, but I am only going to assume its lack of knowledge. Without signaling the user that created this email, it's just never going to work. If you wanted to run this on a safelist, it would be okay. But direct email marketing will never see results from this. You will get made at whatever provider ( or us ) for not getting clicks and it won't be anyone's fault but your own.

Now, let me show you want I think is a good spin ... 

Now, I don't ever agree sending images with our server is okay, but from time to time it will be able to get through. Sending from outside mailers, you will have a better results with images. That's why I stress what this platform is for in all the training. It's to build you a list and get some clickers - to then move them off our platform into your own. We provide a cheap service to get subscribers and see if they will buy right away, some won't or maybe you don't get any results but you will. You have to push and change things up. 

Just trust me when I said, the top emails will NEVER work. That is 100% spam. And spam will never get through the blockers.

Inside earn avenue there is more than enough training on this topic, you get access for free, maybe that's why people are not taking it serious. But I give you my tactics.