We will manage your account for you, still having full access over the account but handled by us in-house. You tell us what you want to mail and we will do our best to get the max opens and clicks. This will remove any learning curves or stress you may find while trying to continue your online email marketing campaigns!

We create 2 lists, one for the main subscribers and one for the openers you can export these subscriber at anytime. You will also get our 30 day refresh policy, if the list is no good or looks to be non-responsive, it's replaced.

Due to the size of these Fully-Managed lists we allow for ONE bulk ( mass ) email to your list at a time or per week. This is not the openers, you can mail the openers as per our mailing policies. ( 1 sending, 1 pending at a time )

The best thing for this package is to set a few emails as drafts and have our team review and send them, short of that the rest is really just up-to us.

Fully-Managed Services est. value $2,500+